Act more
Every one of us would have got exposed to different things in life. Your thoughts are shaped by your environment and the genetic material you are made of.
To truly find who you are is awfully hard. In spite of that, we go on judging others by the cover as there is no other way. However there is a better way to judge people. It is by their actions.
Actions arise out of survival. Suppose in politics, if you just believe someone who may be a skilled orator, by what he speaks, you may think he is the person to lead your country. But if you deeply look into his actions, your opinion may change.
Many people talk of being noble, but may lead a life which is the opposite. They would have trained themselves to live with that dichotomy.
People talk of kindness, of helping the poor. But in reality they may not even spend little money or their time to give clothes or feed the poor.
People talk of a corruption less society and be quietly paying bribe to get their driving license.
Words are hollow. Actions are the proof of your existence. Words delude you. They are nebulous. They can bend to fit whichever narrative you are comfortable with at any time.
Actions speak of the true intention of a person.
The more we act on things, the more we are alive.
The less we float in a word world, the more present we are.
Act more. Talk less.