Conflict free existence
As kids, there are no differences. They can easily find other kids of their age and play. They do not see if the other kid is dirty or dressed up. They do not find if the other kid is intelligent or dumb. All the labels and identities of color, caste, religion, race, economic status, intellectual understanding begin to emerge as they grow. That’s when there are a multitude of groups among humans. While there are genuine interests on things that makes you find your peer group, somewhere without reason, call it Ego, we nurture biases, likes and dislikes, the unnecessary need to show us differently from others, be it displaying of wealth or power or knowledge, or in pursuit of this path that spreads artificial, made up divisions among humans. This results in unconscious nurturing of hate without any basis towards those who do not agree with your view point. Over time, most go very deep into this path and it is difficult to get back to sanity. This state of conflict in humans manifest into war of words and later real wars and loss of precious human lives. Life throws you out of gear in very many ways. Situations overwhelm you.
- Learning to not lose the sense of reason irrespective of external pressures
- Relentlessly asking questions, looking at new data, listening to view points even those that are not in line with your thoughts
- Question whether something really matters and worth your time
- Question how such a thing would impact your or others lives
- Grow the understanding that people are different and take them as they are without trying to change them in any way
- Finding ways to convey your thoughts that expands the understanding of the problem without hurting the Ego
- Being with the understanding that there are several approaches and solutions to a problem and everything evolves given time
- Practice non-violence in thought, words and action.
The above gives some idea of how we can try to move towards a conflict free life. Life is beautiful when it is lived. And we all have to help one another realize this. True love is to let a person be what they are. This does not mean leave your Sons and Daughters to go into a wrong path. Your kids look up to you for everything. When you have learnt to live happily, conflict-free within and outside, your kids automatically inherit those. A happy family is the basis for a happy nation. All the remaining pursuits like knowledge, wealth, power should never be allowed to come in the way of this basic living. Then you will find that you cannot mindlessly pursue any of them leading to misery.