How to arrest the waves?
We need to assume the worst will happen.
The worst, right now seeing a surge of the delta variant in UK which is 43% fully vaccinated and the fact that it has ravaged India, though waning, still high enough tells us few things on what our future course of action should be.
So if we assume that there are going to be further waves, how do we handle them from what we have seen so far with minimal damage to people ?
It is clear that the second wave started rising almost four to five months after the first wave started to recede. If you go by that, the third wave is coming to us probably by November, December.
I am not going to talk about vaccinations here as the Governments are already on it in various measures. So I assume the Governments at the Centre and State will focus seriously to fully vaccinate a large number by December.
I am also not going to talk about the readiness of health infrastructure like ramping up Oxygen supply or others to treat a surge in hospital admissions and I will leave it as lessons learnt and actions to be followed by the respective Governments.
I will talk more about us. People.
It is possible that for the size and scale of this Country there will be a large number still unvaccinated who have to go to work when a future wave hits us.
It is adequately clear by now that if you follow some of the Covid safety rules like wearing masks, maintaining distance and sanitizing your hands, it does help to stop the spread of the virus.
But everyone knows this and everyone thinks they follow these to the dot. What we have seen in second wave is, the virus spread rampantly when people dropped their guard thinking that the virus is gone. They went shopping like there is no day after tomorrow, meeting friends and family, dining etc.
As we get into the Unlock phase, remember to do most of your stuff in open air instead of closed spaces.
If you are meeting friends in a coffee shop, take your coffee and step out into the open space.
If you have to walk into a bank, see if you can do it with your phone.
If you have to buy grocery or vegetables, plan it in advance and buy things at odd times or in shops that are relatively empty, at least those who work from home. Forego your favorite grocer if it means you have to walk into a crowded place.
If you have to buy clothes, try not to spend beyond 15 minutes. Grab what you want and move out. Even while you are inside, follow strictly the social distancing with others, wearing mask etc.
If you are employed, and have to stay indoors, try to work with your employer on how best you can get natural air entering the building or find ways to minimize staying inside if you can deliver things from outside enclosed spaces.
Try your level best to do everything outside when you are with others. Minimize what you have to do in enclosed spaces.
This alone can prevent a lot of hassles for all of us when we have to face any wave in the future in addition to the Vaccinations.