How to keep your head light?
This will be a very pertinent question to ask and find answers going forward.
We are constantly reacting to events and information through our senses. Apart from that the mind also tends to pull you in the past or future when you are travelling in a metro or talking to a friend or even when you are doing nothing.
If you look at the brain as a device, when life energy is there, it simply starts running like a powered up, booted up computer and start to run some programs arbitrarily.
And whatever it runs, the outcome appears in triggering your emotions, your senses. Like the way the output appears on the screen of a computer, your eyes and mouth starts showing up the results of computation. This may stop only when you are in deep sleep or when you are dead.
For the large part of your life, it is a confusion as to whether You operate your brain or it is the other way, the brain operates You. The identity of You at the most basic level exists because of your body.
A new born may not yet have that identity in its brain and may not yet know the existence of its body. As you grow, the body consciousness grows in your brain. So you start identifying your body with you. Brain dies when it loses body consciousness.
Why I am saying all this is, the basic identity of your brain is the body. But it does not stay there. As it grows and matures, it does a whole lot of things and make this life happen for you in front of your eyes like a movie.
It triggers a whole range of emotions to make you react in a certain way based on the ‘identities’ it creates beyond the basic identity of the body. For example, you may think you are the best Cricket player in your school or the best coder in your company. You may not exactly think that way, but you may at least start thinking that you are indeed a special kind.
Or it may be the other way where your brain builds an identity of ‘Coding is not my cup of tea’. Like this there are a million logical identities about you painstakingly built by your brain based on the actions, events, information, people you go through in this life.
If you understand the nature of your mind, then you can begin to observe it as it reacts to situations, as it triggers emotions in you, as it makes you to do actions, as it processes events or information.
The more you observe these the more you will start seeing the noise. When you see the noise, you will start doing less. When you do less, the noise level goes down and you are left only with what you want to do absolutely which is most times is always close to zero or minimum. It is with the noise we have mis-identified ourselves and began to do lot of unwanted things ultimately losing track of our living.
The best way to begin is by practicing silence and stillness. If you can stop moving around and sit in a place completely still eyes and mouth shut, only breathing and nothing else, you will begin to enter the zone of silence. The more you do this, you will unburden yourself.