We are a feedback loop. Seeing triggers thinking. Thinking triggers feeling. Feeling triggers action. Action triggers change. Change triggers seeing. This goes on ad infinitum.
This is not in your control. It happens by itself for everyone. What you think as ‘You’ or ‘I’ is created every moment in you. Like a computer program relentlessly computing something and modifying the memory.
Almost all the time, you may find yourself within this feedback loop and the world may see you as the actions emitted by this looping process. Our ethics and laws are all based on what you display outside.
That is the reason people appear good when they are not. They appear wise when they are not. Nobody wants to be called a fool as they think they are what they appear outside as what is happening inside is not in their control.
The wider the gap between what happens inside and the effort to appear outside, the heavier the burden they carry. That is why it becomes exponentially difficult to lie. It is easy to be truthful.
Reasoning out is a way to understand this feedback loop. It gives you a perspective, a pattern and makes you feel good because you have control on what is going on. But reasoning out is not easy for everyone. It requires a lot of training and often life situations can be so overwhelming that it can throw even the most capable out of gear.
Also reasoning out is only a way to organize things. It is not the truth.
There is a better method than reasoning. Falling into silence. This also needs a lot of practice, time and space. When you do this adequately, you will find that the feedback loop no longer fills you. Instead you will find your true self which is a lot calmer and fearless.
In this state, reasoning needs no special effort. What you do is bound to be the right one.