You ain’t matter
Human brain has evolved over thousands of years looking for meaning in what they are doing. Most of us seem to gravitate towards doing a series of things that culminate in a goal. Lot of people I read in the local Newspapers are either into some form of fitness, creating arts, dance, pursuing science and so on. Our constitution gives the fundamental right to go after what one likes as long as it is legal. Everyone seem to have a goal, short or long and seem to go after it.
It is something akin to people offloaded into an island in the middle of the ocean by a large vessel. As soon as they get on the sands, they start running amok, some climb the trees to pluck the coconuts, some start to swim, some do fishing and so on. The initial days when humans would have gone around the world as hunter gatherers in search of food is understandable. They were driven by the basic needs put forth by this body. When a person who was fishing all day has perfected that art and sold the fishes to others in return for a boat ride or coconuts, he goes in search for singing songs or paying for a concert happening on the beach side by the night. Further the mind needs a good looking woman or man by the side while enjoying the music, sitting by the waves.
The mind is in an endless pursuit of creating a world around us and keeping us immersed into a so called reality or a Maya. And in that pursuit that same mind also questions itself as to whether all of these are needed at all. There is a constant balancing act that happens between the mind in its endless pursuit of creating things or karma and the mind that questions it and tries to reason out, justify, drive a purpose in to the act of creation, which is the philosophical mind. It is a constant dance that happens within every one of us. You are creating this make-believe world and you are questioning it and expanding it and constantly getting deeper into your own creation.
The proportion of how much you were karmic or philosophic varies between us. A business man or a politician may be more more karmic and less philosophic. They may go on acquiring wealth or power and getting drawn by their minds in an endless loop. A person of knowledge may be drawn in endless philosophical ruminations and strategies to justify the happenings.
In fact, nations have been created by these two minds over and over again. Our notion of a state, community, family, concepts like God, Death, Science, Math, History, Politics and all the stories ever written and being written, every single thing is a creation of all our minds collectively that existed in the past and now which has constantly danced between these two possibilities of Karma and Philosophy, the doing and questioning.
The more you think about it, you realize that you are just a small part of the larger mind or the collection of all human minds. You are no longer the individual you perceive to be and act and die. You carry a large past with you and are continuously expanding it for future minds to carry it further. The assumption of you as an Individual and someone who is responsible for your own actions and beliefs is again a justification for you to exist and carry on, but that is not real.
The question of who am I or what is my purpose is moot when you start realizing this uncomfortable truth. All of that does not matter. You are just a cosmic dust rolled and mutated and morphed in this cosmic dance of billions of galaxies dancing all around. You can stay in peace and continue doing what you do without remorse or a need for justification.